08 December 2009
Textbook Buyback Lotto
04 November 2009
Use a real instrument, you twit
03 November 2009
Milk (or: goddammit I need to write more)
10 October 2009
A terrible case of burying the lede
The case, my friend is, that the world has been over-run with fable and creeds of human invention, with sectaries of whole nations against all other nations, and sectaries of those sectaries in each of them against each other. Every sectary, except the Quakers, has been a persecutor. Those who fled from persecution persecuted in their turn, and it is this confusion of creeds that has filled the world with persecution and deluged it with blood.
07 October 2009
An open letter to ESPN's editorial department
16 September 2009
Guns are for dickheads
In various places (read: the intertubes) I have seen rhetoric in favour of gun ownership or the 2nd amendment. I've thought about it quite a bit, honestly, and I really hate guns and the 2nd amendment.
Last fall in a political science class, a classmate of mine said then-Senator Obama was anti-2nd amendment, but that position doesn't make sense, because "How can you be against the constitution?" Well, I'm against that particular part of the constitution, because it is woefully outdated. Let's look at the text, first off.
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
Sounds good of course, until you remember that the State's official Armed Forces have more powerful weaponry than any mere mortal can acquire legally or illegally. Short answer, if the government becomes tyrannical, and it becomes a citizen's duty to overthrow it, we're fucked. I'm not saying we should ALLOW that, but the fact is the military could make mincemeat of any uprising.
Another reason I'm against the 2nd amendment is that it lets people carry around a metal stick that makes it easier to kill people. Now there may be laws that prevent average Joe the Plumber (ba dum tiss!) actually walking around armed, but simply owning said metal stick that makes it easier to kill people is largely equivalent to carrying it around. Simply put, owning it means one can go home, get it, and return in much shorter time than buying a gun takes.
But Matt, I hear you say (silently), you own swords, which are quite literally metal sticks that make it easier to kill someone! And every kitchen has knives, which are the same! Indeed, I own swords, and that is an accurate way to describe them. Frankly though if I want to kill someone with one of my swords or a knife of any sort, I must get really close to them ... say within arm's reach. And if I'm within arm's reach they can defend themselves. If I were to use a gun I could do so from across a field and they have no way of self-defence against it let alone necessarily know about it before their head explodes, thus it's not "just as easy". But enough with that straw man.
I know some people prefer guns for home defence. Frankly, that's one of the few reasons that would qualify as good. But my parents don't own guns apart from two deactivated civil war firearms which are little more than heavy-ass heirlooms. I don't own guns, and don't really have any desire to. Frankly, I'm afraid of guns. That's not entirely accurate - I'm afraid of people. I'm afraid of people normally, but give them something that makes it easy to kill me makes me more afraid of them. I'm afraid of police for that reason too. I once had to help a police officer at work, and he was very much still armed. I have never felt more uncomfortable. This is how guns make me feel. They make me feel AFRAID.
Let me make something clear: I don't think guns make people act completely crazy. However the kind of people who have some desire to own a metal stick with a handle that launches metal projectiles through the air at sonic force to penetrate other people's skin in an effort to end their lives are at least a little crazy anyway. I own knives for food preparation and I own swords for aesthetic purposes - I think they look good mounted on walls (which means I won't likely have them unsheathed, much less easy to grab and slash with). I sincerely doubt anyone would break into my apartment - I live in a shitty apartment, shitty block, and have little of value to steal. People breaking into homes to cause violence to those who live there is extraordinarily rare unless it's done by an intimate - like most crimes, someone you know is far more likely to do it to you. I don't fear my neighbours any more than I fear the average person. ed: I have moved since I originally wrote this, and my neighbours are super old and frail. I am even less afraid of them now. If I knew they carried a gun around, I WOULD fear them a lot more.
I keep seeing people on facebook or on various places online talking about how "if the gummint takes away yer guns then who'll defend yer famlee?" One facebook friend cited New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina as an example - apparently the "gummint" took away people's guns and they had nothing to defend themselves as they were killed and raped. Unfortunately I can't find any sources that aren't the NRA, gun owner sites, or "angry man" websites with pro-gun leanings - that is to say no legitimate sources. The fact is, though, if the "gummint" decides to turn fascist and kill or imprison people for no reason, there is nothing anyone, armed or not, can do to stop it. Granted that's a piss-poor reason to go along with it but that is the damn fact. Hell, it's happened before, look at Japanese Americans in World War II.
I've never understood the desire to own, let alone carry around a lethal weapon. People who advocate for concealed-carry laws scare me even more. Why do you need to conceal it if you're so vocal about carrying it around? Why not just carry it around attached to your FOREHEAD for fuck's sake? I mean if every place was a place people could carry concealed weapons, I can't imagine any of these pro-gun people not wearing a t-shirt that said “yes I'm carrying a gun” (which come to think of it says a lot about t-shirts that announce things about the wearer as well as gun owners, but that's another entry).
Several weeks ago I heard a clip of Glenn Beck talking about how he went to see a movie with his concealed gun. He fully admitted he didn't have reason to, but he was simply exercising his right to carry a gun around in places with children and other law-abiding citizens (not including the teenagers sneaking into the R-rated film of your choice but I mean REAL laws). The fact is there's no legitimate reason he would need a gun. I don't think he lives in such a shithole that his local cinema's parking lot has frequent robberies or homicides. Within the cinema, there's probably a cop (when I worked at two different cinemas, the local police or sheriff's dept, whoever had jurisdiction, sent a guy to stand around and stop people being total assholes). Was he afraid of the violent liberals who were going to chant at him "learn to spell! learn to spell!"?
Or is he just woefully insecure and completely insane? I know he's completely insane, I'm asking more about the first one.
09 September 2009
Joint Session drinking game/liveblog
Really liked "determined to be the last president to address this".
Gallstones he didnt' know about - just eliminate the phrase "preexisting condition" from the fucking dictionary, would you?
No-one should be treated that way in the USA - fucking well right!
numbers - I like numbers, but you're going to confuse the republicans. The only numbers they understand are dollar signs, and only when preceded by "pay to the order of" and their name.
SINGLE PAYER SYSTEM - light applause. End employer based systems and let people buy it on their own: fuckall applause.
"There are arguments to be made for both these approaches" - yes, and some of the arguments are made up of bullshit and WAAAAH I DON'T WANT TO PAY TAXES WAAAAAAH which when I think about it is quintessentially American, isn't it?
"Time for bickering is over. The time for games has passed. Now is the season for action." Good lines. Back it the FUCK UP.
Three basic goals - security and stability to those with insurance - provide insurance for those without - slow the growth of health care costs for families, businesses, and govt. Middle one is the super-important one I feel, with a close second being the first.
"Nothing in this plan will require you or your employer to change the coverage or the doctor you have. REPEATED." - Will make your insurance work better for you - against the law to deny coverage due to preexisting condition FUCK YEAH BABY! and I'll settle for THAT.
Illegal to drop your coverage or water it down when you become sick - I will also take that. No caps on amount of coverage - place a limit on how much you can be charged - (make that limit seven dollars and I'll be good thx)
required to cover routine checkups, colonoscopies, mammograms, preventative care - makes sense, saves money and lives - I like the one guy who keeps sitting on nails
if you DON'T have health care now - if you lose, change your job - coverage - if you start a small busines - coverage - insurance exchange to shop at competitive prices - see, that's bullshit because there are SEVEN companies, and they need to be prohibited getting together and agreeing on "well we'll go no lower than $fuckassexpensive.32
tax credits for small businesses - all companies who want access to these people have to abide by rules - in four years - can't get insurance today - immediate low-cost coverage if you become seriously ill - props to Sen. McCain and that it was his idea in the campaign.
May be those who want to take the risk and not have coverage - may be companies who refuse to cover their workers - costs the rest of us money - individuals will be required to carry basic health insurance just as states require you to carry basic auto insurance - businesses either offer health care or chip in to the cost - most small businesses exempt from requirements - can't have people gaming the system
only works if everyone plays - significant details to be ironed out (laugh)
broad consensus for all the above (really? You sure?)
Key controversies still out there: bogus claims of death panels. "It is a lie, plain and simple." OMG THE WORD LIE HOW DARE HE CALL DEFENSELESS SARAH PALIN A LIAR WHY DOES HE HATE TRIG
insure illegal immigrants - false (although it shouldn't be) - EDIT: that guy shouted "You lie!"
no federal dollars used to fund abortions (although they should not be excluded)
publicly sponsored insurance option - guiding principle is and always has been that choice and competition allow consumers to do better (and the republicans applaud that line) - in 34 states, 75% of the market is controlled by five or fewer companies.
"Insurance executives don't do this because they're bad people" Are you SURE ABOUT THAT, BARACK OBAMA?
"No interest in putting insurance companies out of business" Why not? "I just want to hold them accountable" (oh wow, the re pube lick ans liked that too)
making a not-for-profit public option FUCK YEAH BABY!
only an option for those without insurance - less than 5% would sign up (really? hmm.)
taxpayers not subsidising this option - have to be self-sufficient and rely on premiums.
Relating private v. public universities - why do private universities succeed by costing 1000 per cent more?
should not be exaggerated - it is only one part of the plan -
co-op or another non-profit entity - there MUST. BE. A. CHOICE.
not sign a plan that adds to our deficit - fair enough, but pull us out of the middle east first to ease that option - spending cuts if the savings don't materialise - too many initiatives were unpaid for - tax breaks for rich and iraq war included - cut to stock shot of republicans sitting there with hats on that say "I'm a dickhole"
speaking directly to seniors - SPEAK UP!
not a dollar of Medicare will be used to pay for this plan - the only thing this plan eliminates is the $100bns to pad profits but don't improve care - doctors, medical experts identifying waste and cutting its throat over the fire
help pay for Rx drugs for olds - reducing inefficiency in medicare, medicaid will pay for MOST OF THIS PLAN
finally (finally!) - reps have long insisted on readjusting medical malpractice laws (because it helps the rich doctors stop being less rich doctors) - people booing and I'm not sure why? Awaiting "Grow up, fuckos" from POTUS
put patient safety first, let doctors focus on practising medicine - HHS Sibelius is moving forward on this today. Well not today because it's fucking 9 p.m. Tomorrow. Well, it's thursday ... next monday.
will cost less than both wars, less than the tax cuts on the rich. Suck it. Most of these costs will be paid for by money that is already in the existing health care system - greater security, not higher taxes - if we can slow the cost growth by 1/10 % per year - reduce the deficit by $4trn
serious set of proposals, I will listen - will not waste time with those who want to kill this shit for POLITICS. And you fucking should not, sir!
STatus quo is not the solution - if we keep it the same, everything will go into a pile of shit and Newt Gingrich will bathe in it
Reading of Ted Kennedy's letter - what we face is above all a moral issue - fundamental principles of social(IST) justice and the character of our country.
healthy scepticism of gov't - Kennedy's liberalism was a passion for big gov't - those who knew him (dems?) knew what drove him was something more - Orrin Hatch knows that! McCain knows that! McCain looks like an actual zombie btw. Chuck "I'm No Nail" Grassley knows that!
Hard work and responsibility should be rewarded by security and fair play - sometimes government has to help that shit along, yo
History lesson on Medicare now - John Kerry is twitchy and has RLS.
"Sceptical that Gov't is looking out for them" Why shouldn't they be, if you stay alive, you can pay more taxes to the gov't! Cyclical!
And it ... is ... over!
Nothign interesting in the rebuttal. I was editing because I'm DONE.
30 August 2009
Back in time
I honestly cannot remember seeing this much black smoke covering the roadways in front of me since I was a kid. That's not specific enough though, I can't remember any vehicles spewing this many toxins into my face since I was in grade school. This, for those who don't know, was in the early nineties. When you combine this with the fact that Terre Haute has very few wi-fi hotspots, people who dress like they're waiting for the new single from Third Eye Blind to come out, and people who actually chew tobacco, I cannot believe I'm still in 2009. I'm almost certain I'm stuck back in time.
News flash, Kurt Cobain just shot himself! Well, we think he did, but his wife might have done it! Pearl Jam have announced they aren't making any more music videos! What will MTV do to fill the airtime? Babylon 5 just started their 3rd season, and it's getting more intense by the second! Star Trek Voyager is slated to begin production later this month. Apparently the captain is going to be *gasp* a woman!Ugh, I can barely even make fun of this stuff without it causing me pain. I can't believe, with gas (and diesel) prices being what they are (and what they were this time last year), there are still people with big giant smoke-billowing gas-guzzling do-it-yourself monster trucks driving up the road. These people either have far too much disposable income or don't know how to properly spend the income they do have, like on education and dental work for their kids. I'm not the only one who feels this way, too. I've seen many other drivers waving the smoke out of their faces and coughing as these dickless jokers speed off to the next filling station. Those are probably the only people really happy about this event: gas station owners who sell diesel. It's gotta be like Black Friday for them ... although that doesn't necessarily refer to the ink used to write their sales, more to the colour of everything near a road.
28 August 2009
In which a geek is relocated
Now it isn't THAT bad, okay? We have a bigger, nicer apartment on the 2nd floor, keyless entry (yes, keyless entry - a keypad on the door locks and unlocks it), a short drive to our respective works, a shorter drive for me back to Evansville for school, and between one to one and a half hours to Indianapolis, where such things as Skyline Chili and Apple are located. Plus there's the whole "Extra money" thing. That's good.
After we found a place to live and determined that I would still have to go to school in Evansville, my dad decided since he wouldn't have access to the truck on weekends, to trade it in for the Cash for Clunkers programme. This is how I now drive a new Hyundai Accent. It doesn't have a radio, but I listened to my computer on the way up and throughout town I don't need it that badly. Apparently I can fuel the car with $20 and change. I put in a $20 yesterday from below a quarter of a tank and it showed "full" afterward.
Living on Eastern time is something that takes a little getting used to. I like it better because the sun rises and sets at comparable times to Britain. Despite this, my dad calls it "Indiana Pretend Time, where they pretend they're in Eastern Time." This joke wasn't as funny as he thought the first time, and the funny value has only depreciated with time.
The process of moving sucks. It's been two years since I last moved, and before that it was a couple months, then nine months, then something like a year except I helped two friends move in between that, then once from overseas, once to overseas, once the fortnight before moving overseas to move across town ... man, fuck moving. I'm not entirely sure why I can't just get all new shit. The only real problem in moving is the giant chest of drawers, which weighs approximately 2.07 John Goodmans. It also has edges that, when I pulled it up the stairs, pressed very hard into my forearm muscles, causing matching bruises that are still there two full days later. I'm going to try my hardest to just push the motherfucker out the window when next we move.
Something that I'm FAIRLY sure happens in Terre Haute but not Evansville: people with big-ass trailers, I mean trailers longer than their primary vehicle, towed behind their truck/car/motorbike starting through the intersection around the time the light changes from yellow to red. Something tells me, Mr JB Hunt lorry driver, that you are not going to make it all the way through, especially since traffic is backed up so much because of that stopped car and the three cop cars required to assist that stopped car.
We still haven't got internet yet, which means I'm doing a lot of driving from wifi hotspot to wifi hotspot. Once or twice I sat around at ISU's library, but they block chat clients, which is inconvenient. There's a Panera Bread just about a mile and a half from the apartment which works in a pinch. Just north of I-70, meaning a quarter mile from the mall, there is a Starbucks that sits just within range of the Drury Inn opposite it on Hwy 41. The problem with this location is the difficulty involved in getting out of the place through the 41/70 intersection traffic (which is only made worse by all the shopping within half a mile of the intersection).
With a quick bit of google mapping, I found a local coffee shop called Coffee Grounds, which somehow manages to sell its stuff cheaper than most coffee shops I've ever been to. It's a really nice place - semi-industrial brick walls with writing on them, a mural on one section of the wall, tables with messages and names carved in, and four drink sizes - regular, tall, grande, and enorme. Much like at Starfucks, I stick with saying "large."
Once again, I'm hoping to start using this space more. It's not like I haven't had the time, I'm just a lazy cunt.
01 July 2009
Geek Homework
24 June 2009
22 May 2009
Watch the wedding stream
15 May 2009
This Star Trek will go on forever
14 April 2009
boredom leads to urbandictionary, urbandictionary leads to QFM
I'm working on classwork from home today, but since my internet connection is down I'm actually at the library. Oh, and because I'm a daft bastard I forgot my headphones. Basically, the only thing I can do is copy this audiobook to listen later and try not to kill the bastard in the nearest chair who won't stop texting.
I'm apparently worthless without internet or headphones. When the hell did that happen? What did people do before television, internet, and radio? A quick glance at history books reveals the answer: They went to war. I suppose it's not so strange an idea ... after all, it's taking me some effort to not garrote this chav in the opposite chair. I suppose if I get seriously bored, I can just give in to my anger ... only my hatred can destroy him ... whoops, sorry, started quoting Emperor Palpatine again.
Today's my day off work because I have class for seventeen thousand hours on Tuesdays, so that's what prevents me going to the mall. Also, my loathing of everything at the mall and everyone who shops there, that does play a part. I'm at the library because it's free to read, free to browse the intertubes, and free to just sit there and not do anything. Really, ask anyone using any chair there. All these things being free doesn't stop it being boring though, so I find myself looking out the window behind me, wishing today was tax day and the teabaggers were out. I'll have to come back tomorrow to watch the teabaggers.
Incidentally, I am simultaneously amused and confused by every news report I see on the teabagging protests. It boggles the mind that people can't use urbandictionary.com to find out the alternate definition of anything. For example, shoelace. The reason I chose shoelace is because I looked at my feet. A quick search on urbandictionary.com and I learn that shoelace is also a euphemism for the pattern of ... well, just search it yourselves. But don't say I didn't warn you ... I mean it is urbandictionary.com.
Half the stuff on there I'm sure somebody made up without there being precedent. After searching "Shoelace" it gave me nearby entries alphabetically, and one was "shoekakke". Upon reading the definition, along with that of "shoejob" (the act of a girl stimulating a man to orgasm with her cute shoes), I am reasonably confident that before someone typed all that shit in, nobody had done it before. Thanks to the laws of quantum fetish mechanics (the act of thinking up a strange new fetish causes it to be real) I am sure someone has done it NOW, if for no other reason than to try it out or to see if anyone they know is actually dumb enough to do this.
At least that's what I tell myself as I pour myself a scotch.
06 April 2009
Hockey - a diatribe
First off, icing. What the hell is it? I have watched many hockey matches live, a few on television, and listened to none on the radio but nobody has ever explained this to me. Like any good researcher, I looked on Wikipedia first. According to the article on the subject, icing is “when a player shoots the puck across two red lines, the opposing team's goal line being the last, and the puck remains untouched”. Now I certainly can see why this dangerous act is worthy of penalty. Oh wait, no I don't. Yes, certainly it's boring, and not something players should do as a habit, but is it worthy of completely stopping play and having a referee arm signal? Besides, I thought that was “dumping the puck”; icing just gives the idea that we're penalising people for stopping suddenly in front of each other and causing ice to spray all over each other, and this is a sport where if they don't do that, there will be a lot more injuries than just from fights.
On the subject of fights, the NHL is utter crap. My first NHL game was a St Louis Blues matchup against the New York Islanders. This was back in 1994, when the Blues had Brett Hull, and were sort of somewhat good as opposed to just nearby. Anyway, there was real excitement in the air. There were hard body checks, there were fights, there was shouting and swearing – all a beautiful experience for a nine-year-old boy who is still afraid to say “damn.” Of late though, I have been hard-pressed to see much (if any) fighting on an NHL match. If I want to watch a beautiful game, I would watch football (real football, not American football. I know it can get confusing but I refuse to call it “soccer”). I want to see some action in my hockey, not skating back and forth. Throw a punch or change the name of your sport.
Of course, I have no idea when players stopped fighting in NHL hockey, because for several years now hockey has been almost impossible to find on television. I know in 2006 there was a player lockout which probably didn't help convince any networks to air hockey, and that decision carried over a couple years, but the thing with lockouts and strikes is they don't happen every year, or even every other year. If they did, they'd just declare it a holiday week and write it into the calendar. NBC/Universal must have grown some yarbles of late by starting up NHL Sunday, airing daytime games even during NFL season. Unfortunately I can't commend them too much because NHL Sunday airs just this side of not at all. The last time I saw it was in February, and there are still games to play, therefore games to air! NBC, as well as every other network with a sport division: air some hockey already. We fans south of the snowline are starved for a real sport, and this is the only one that happens in this country between January and April.
04 April 2009
We're here to defend wealth
I'm well aware of how complicated this would be to do worldwide (because it would be necessary to implement it worldwide), however in our current system, people can go into debt and even bankruptcy before age 25. There is an entire industry based on high-interest short-term loans to people who are already living paycheque to paycheque. There is an entire second industry based on the first one that takes any and all information surrendered at the high-interest loan place and bombards the phone numbers with unsolicited text messages and phone calls at odd hours, and the email addresses with hundreds (at least) of spam messages (how spam messages make any fucking money for anyone I've yet to understand).
Money is theoretically how we determine if someone has worked hard enough to receive certain goods and services. When we throw CEOs, no-talent musicians, professional athletes, and all of Wall Street and the City into the mix, doesn't that completely bastardise that definition? I defy anyone to tell me how a stockbroker works harder than a minimum wage retail worker. I defy anyone to tell me how a professional athlete works harder than a factory worker who works twelve hours per day in dangerous and unhealthy surroundings, and then his bosses try to cut his pay to raise theirs. How the hell do Nickelback deserve all that money they make?
I won't even get started ... that's a fucking lie, I'm already started on the health insurance industry. When people get sick, the options include pay cash for treatment (usually an entirely too-large amount) or already have insurance before you even got sick. Isn't "insurance" a euphemism for "protection racket"? Anyway, the insurance doesn't even work that well because if you already have insurance, odds are it doesn't cover everything. It doesn't necessarily even cover what you need. And even if it does cover what you need, some shitbag at the company can just decide you don't really need this particular procedure. An insurance company isn't there to help its customers, it's there to take their fucking money.
Even if the insurance company DOES pay for some of your treatment, they probably won't pay for the whole thing (which makes PERFECT SENSE!). They'll pay for maybe half to three quarters of the bill, leaving you with a huge amount of money to pay them. Gods help you if you're really sick and need multiple procedures, and even more so if you're young and don't have a lot of money anyway.
Recently I've heard and seen a lot about a move towards universal health coverage. Some of this I've heard from representatives of doctors and insurance companies. The representatives of insurance companies I don't fucking trust - I'm completely certain they only want a law to make god damn sure every human in America has to buy a policy from their existing company, and they can still turn people away for procedures their doctors (you know, the people who are fucking qualified to decide if something is medically necessary) have decided is medically necessary. Frankly, I wouldn't be satisfied if that happened. I guarantee anyone with an existing medical bill will be totally screwed. The only thing I'll be actually satisfied with is full health coverage including psychological, surgical, and preventative treatment.
It worked for every other post-industrial nation in the world; I think we could pull it off.
Now listening: Billy Bragg - No Power Without Accountability
23 March 2009
19 March 2009
The LORD be with your botty
The French island of Reunion, located in the Indian Ocean, is the source of this latest sighting of the Lord. Someone discovered one day that the rumples in the priest's cushion resembled the Son of God too closely to be a coincidence. According to an Agence France-Presse report, thousands have come to the island to witness the miracle that originated with somebody's bum.
This brings to my mind significant questions about the Divine Nature of Christ. It would appear that the Son of Man first appeared on foods, and now has appeared on someone's seat. Literally. I have been told throughout my life that God works in mysterious ways, but this just seems silly. If God wanted to send somebody a message, why not use the classics – a burning bush worked wonders for the Israelites in Egypt, after all, and don't get me started on the ten plagues! But I don't remember the biblical tale of King Saul seeing the face of Joshua Ben Nun in a plate of hummus, proclaiming it a miracle, and ordering all to visit to take souvenir etchings. Frankly, I think this is mere coincidence. If the real God wanted to send a message to his people, I think he has a better marketing department than one that would tell him to appear in somebody's butt imprint.
Now playing: Rob Zombie - Feel So Numb
via FoxyTunes
10 March 2009
Bitter ilstack is bitter. Also, fuck
Now playing: Ozzy Osbourne - I Don't Know
via FoxyTunes
via FoxyTunes
28 February 2009
Galactica fanboyism - it's totally justified

17 February 2009
Businesses = idiots who want my money
Liz and I opened a joint bank account the other day. This has caused no end of problems, not one of which was our fucking fault. First, her direct deposit tried to go into her old bank account, which being closed, would not accept it. This is a similar situation to what happened with my direct deposit fuckup except slightly better except not, because the bank account in question 1) existed at some point and 2) belonged to the person who was getting the money.
The bank people claimed she would be able to access our account via her existing online banking username and password. We would have appreciated it if the bank people had been so kind as to inform us at that time that they were lying to us. She is currently only able to access the account using my password and name. This is not a problem apart from the fact that the bank people are dirty god damned liars who lie to people and don't tell the truth when they do it. Also, her debit card doesn't work, which we kind of figured would happen and we never even bothered to ask about.
Today, and this is where the complaint against dumbasses running businesses comes in, we sat down to figure out why our account had got so low. We looked at our online ledger which showed us no fewer than fifteen pending transactions. When we removed from consideration the deposits, there were thirteen pending transactions. Many of these transactions are from Thursday, when we went to Indianapolis, or Friday, when we were in town, or the weekend. Now I certainly know that banks don't do a god damn thing on the weekends, and they had, for some inexplicable reason, President's Day off. But the fact that since Thursday none of our transactions have gone through is not the fault of the banks.
This indeed has happened once before - to Liz when she was closing her personal bank account. She had a pending four dollar transaction on her card, which was at Chik-Fil-A, the famous mall crappy chicken "fast" "food" "restaurant". She hadn't used the card since the first day of that week, and the day we closed the account was either a Wednesday or a Thursday. Either way, they'd had three days to take their money. Apparently businesses aren't in any hurry to be paid for things, which is odd, because if you actually try the Wimpy approach ("I'll gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today," from Popeye cartoons) they will laugh in your face and probably spit at you and call the police because there is a crazy person in their place of business and they don't have to put up with that.
And I thought debit cards removed the money from your account instantly, and credit cards chalked up a running tally for you to pay later. Maybe I need to redefine. Or they do.
Now playing: Daft Punk - Face to face [Cosmo Vitelli rmx]
via FoxyTunes