12 January 2009

But cats EAT fish ...

PETA did it again. They acted like fucking idiots.

This time it's fish. They want to save the fish. Of course, they say there's a PR problem with saving the fish, so they want to rename the entire phylum cordata to "Sea Kittens." I presume the scientific term would be felis aqueous?

Or maybe we should rename anyone having anything to do with PETA Homo Retardus. Seriously, Sea Kittens? I've crapped better ideas than this. I have shoes with more creativity. Plus, maybe they didn't know this little fact because they're anti-pet, but cats eat fish. In the wild, in domestic situations, big cats, little cats, house cats - they all love to eat seafood. Shrimp, trout, flounder, tuna, salmon, fish of any kind, my cat loves it. So has every cat I've ever met. That's why they make dry cat food fish-flavoured: to get them to gobble up what would otherwise be a bowl of Weetabix for cats.

I understand being against animal cruelty; I'm against it myself. I even understand being so against animal cruelty that one doesn't eat meat. That's fine. I would consider it myself if I liked any veggies. Hell, I'm even okay with not eating or using any kind of animal or animal-related product, although if I had to become vegan I think I'd just kill myself. The problem I have is trying to stop other people doing what they want to do when it doesn't actually hurt anyone.

Granted, overfishing is a problem. Granted, it's more ecologically friendly to eat vegetarian. But honestly, eating meat doesn't hurt anyone except the animal that's killed to make the food. That can be helped at least a little by making sure the methods of slaughter (that's a term that really helps) are humane. Buying kosher meats from a local butcher is probably the easiest, if a slightly more expensive, way of making sure your meat is killed humanely. Being a douchebag to an entire geographical area (northeast, northwest and Florida come to mind in this example) and attempting to put entire industries out of work is not a good way to get animal rights.

I live in the US. Nobody in this country has ever done something they didn't want to do without significant pressure. A non-profit organisation has never had enough power to put that much pressure on a person. Churches, corporations, governments, and local "culture" are the only things with the kind of power that can actually forbid someone doing anything or cause someone to think they have to do something. Until and unless PETA becomes that powerful, they will continue to have only "ha ha look at the retards from PETA doing another stupid fucking thing again" stories in the media.

Well, the media that doesn't necessarily follow their philosophy, at least.

Now playing: Ozzy Osbourne - Gets Me Through
via FoxyTunes

lol @ the irony of typing an anti-veggie post while listening to a vegetarian ROKK OUT