I can't believe it's been a tenday since I wrote anything. To be fair I've been a little busy between work and school, but today I'm free. Just in time to fanboy out over Battlestar Galactica. Major last-night spoilage ahead.
For those who saw the episode last night, "Someone to Watch Over Me", you know this was simultaneously one of the best, most intense, most disturbing, and most ASLDJFALSKJDF (to use a computer curse) episodes of any television in ... ever. It was one of the most intense episodes of telly I've ever seen, plot-wise almost certainly. It was partly a Starbuck episode, one we've been waiting for since she found Char-buck on Erf (Yes, that's several fanon words but you'll have to get over it). Kara's drinking (big surprise) and she hears this guy incessantly playing a piano ... because he's composing. She goes over to help him because her father was a pianist and composer. In what we think is a one-off scene, she goes to Helo's place and gets a tape (cassette tape, yeah I know!) of one of her father's recordings, and Hera, AKA "Creepy Cybrid Kid" gives Kara a picture of what we think are stars. Later on, when Kara and the pianist, nicknamed "Slick", are working on the second movement, she remembers the stars drawing and puts it on a sheet of music. It works. They try it.
It's the Final Four theme - the "All Along the Watchtower" based theme music for the final four Cylons.
Col. Tigh and Ellen are sitting at the bar, and Tigh's face is completely fucking priceless. He goes over and demands to know where Kara learnt that music, and 1) she says she played it as a kid and 2) she looks over at Slick, who is no longer there. Slick is her Head-Dad character. What the frak.
Meanwhile, the Cylons on the Fleet Baseship want to try Boomer, currently in Galactica's brig, for treason. Chief Tyrol, who used to be frakking Boomer before she shot Adama (christ, this is like a soap opera!) wants them to not try her and execute her. He replaces Boomer with some random innocent 8 and lets her go free. She uses his good will to beat the shit out of Athena, frak Helo (Athena's hubby) in front of her while she's locked in a cupboard, and kidnap Hera, drug her, put her in a box, and take off in a Raptor to take her back to Cavil, proving that she's a god damn piece of shit all along.
All of it reads like a soap opera, certainly, except it wasn't like that. The one part that was VERY not like that was the "Boomer beating up Athena and frakking her husband" scene, which was very explicit albeit out of focus, and seriously fucking disturbing, because what we see IN focus is Athena, watching this other woman frakking her husband. The scene takes about a minute, and it's horribly painful to watch. What makes it worse is that Tyrol is an accessory to Boomer's kidnapping of Hera, because he actually helped her load the box into the Raptor, not to mention BREAKING HER OUT OF PRISON.
This episode is by far the best example for why Galactica is one of the best god damn shows on television, dare I say ever. Every time you think something could go right, guess what, it not only goes wrong, but it goes more wrong than you ever imagined it could. Given one episode, anyone will get absolutely hooked on this show and be irretrievably attached to finding out WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING TO HAPPEN HOLY SHIT.