31 January 2009

Chock full of Galactica spoilers

This entry is made in the spirit that people reading it are watching Battlestar Galactica and have seen the 30 January episode "The Oath". If you have not seen it (or you don't care about this stuff) plz do not read, because you will be spoiled (or bored).

I'm finding it hard to chart exactly how we got to this point from the beginning. Certainly something like this would've happened if we jumped straight from the Mini to series 4.5, but we didn't, and couldn't. It took a bit of thinking, but I think throughout the latter part of series 3 and the first part of series 4, we didn't see the point of view of the common man in the fleet much. In fact, I think we got too good a look at the cylon/cylon sympathiser (cylathiser?) point of view with Baltar being on the Basestar Sonatica, plus Athena's story. The story of the average Fleet denizen wasn't told ... and now it is.

The average fleet denizen ... well, I'd hate to say the average denizen is a racist shit-sucker, but ... on one hand, I'd say that's the case, based on how in favour many ships were of the anti-cylons-boarding legislation. On the other hand, I don't think any of those racist shit-suckers really wanted armed insurrection as a solution, as we saw when Gæta shut off (apparently still) President Roslin's wireless address. These people heard Roslin's voice for the first time in far too long and after comm silence from the Galactica, in itself a disturbing thing, and heard about the armed mutiny to boot, and the chatter is immediately addressed at the President.

Oh, and I hate Gæta for a variety of things: the racism, the betrayal (despite how unintentional it may have been) on New Craaaaaaprica, the huge betrayal of many people he's worked alongside for whatever he said, seven years, the arresting of Hoshi, his FRAKKING BOYFRIEND (hell, I'm gonna say the not-discussing this with his boyfriend - that's one of the first things I do if I have a Grand Plan™, discuss it with my fianceé - maybe he could've talked him out of this FRAKKING RETARDED MANOEUVRE), every single death, including the ones at the hands of Tigh, Tyrol, Adama, Adama, and Thrace, ... yeah, what a dick.

That said, this episode was fantastic and more than makes up for its set-up last week. Adama and Tigh being total action heroes, Kara shooting that assgoblin in the head to save Lee, then shooting the other guy when they didn't IMMEDIATELY believe she meant business (despite all being covered in Assgoblin #1's blood), Tyrol being the best person in history yet again (Tyrol is my hero by any stretch), and the Balcubines being the primary contra force were all highlights. But yes, definitely Old Ass Action Hero moments ... Oh, and if they throw in "I'm getting too old for this shit" in any of the DVDs or future episodes, I will scalp Ron Moore, because that joke was pitiful in Lethal Weapon 1.

This concludes my weekly fanboyish rant.

Now playing:
Beastie Boys - Super Disco Breakin'

Edited to fix the title of the episode.